Support Service Provider Program
At the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf (LCD), we recognize and value the unique cultural, linguistic and accessibility norms and needs of individuals who are both deaf and blind. As the statewide coordinator of the Support Service Provider (SSP) program, we provide one-on-one trained guides for DeafBlind individuals at no cost, so they may lead dignified, independent, and autonomous lives.
Deaf-Blindness involves combined vision and hearing loss to the extent that neither of these senses can compensate for the lack of the other. In an effort to support individuals who are DeafBlind to stay active and involved in their communities, a SSP works one-on-one with a person who is DeafBlind to provide access to information about other people, community services and activities, and the environment. A SSP does not teach or provide instruction, rather the individual who is DeafBlind assumes the responsibility of guiding the SSP and informing them about what type of support they may need
Here are a few examples of the types of services an SSP can provide:
🤝 Supporting Communication:
SSPs are skilled in adapting to an individual’s preferred mode of communication – whether it’s sign language, tactile communication, or speech. They work to break down communication barriers, so the DeafBlind individual can engage with others effortlessly.
🌍 Navigating the Environment:
SSPs provide essential information about physical surroundings. They will mention how many people are nearby and where they are located, which can help an individual who is DeafBlind navigate confidently.
😃 Relaying Social Cues:
SSPs are an individual's eyes and ears when it comes to social situations. They describe the mood of people in the area, helping individuals who are DeafBlind connect with others on a deeper level.
🚗 Everyday Independence:
Need to run errands like grocery shopping? A SSP is here to assist. The SSP can provide transportation to and from the store, and provide visual and auditory support to the DeafBlind individual as they shop.
Eligibility Requirements
LCD provides SSP services to Louisiana residents who are DeafBlind as defined by the US legislature.
Eligible participants will have:
Central visual acuity of 20/200 or less in their better eye with corrective lenses or a visual field defect
Chronic hearing loss so severe that most speech cannot be understood.
Extreme difficulty in doing daily life activities, participating in social activities, or getting a job on their own.
*If an individual cannot have their hearing and vision properly measured, but they have severe hearing and visual disabilities that make it extremely difficult to be independent, they may still be eligible for the program.
Accessing Services
If you believe you are eligible for SSP services, contact Affiliated Blind of Louisiana (ABL) or email Lynn Blanchard ( ABL director, our partner in providing SSP services. They will set up an appointment to go over the details of services and check for qualifications. Consumers are given a set number of hours per month to use depending on need and the goals of each person. Additional hours may be approved upon request.

Interested in becoming a Support Service Provider (SSP)?
An ideal SSP is someone who can be helpful but objective, supportive yet empowering, and sparing in expressing their personal preferences while providing services.
All SSPs must meet the following requirements:
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Able to accommodate a consumer’s communication preference. This includes sign language, tactile communication, speech, print, Braille, technology, etc.
- Pass a background check (no criminal record).
- Have current car insurance that includes liability insurance (this only applies to those who will drive consumers as part of their SSP role).
If you are interested in becoming a SSP please contact Affiliated Blind of Louisiana (ABL) and ask to speak to the SSP Coordinator.
Regional Service Center Responsibilities
📖 Read the Service Provision Manual for the current requirements.