Minimum Qualifications Standards for American Sign Language Interpreters

The Louisiana Commission for the Deaf, established by the state in 1980 to promote the general welfare of d/Deaf, DeafBlind and hard of hearing individuals in Louisiana, is also charged with the establishment of minimum qualification standards and oversight of the state’s sign language interpreter workforce.



A skilled sign language interpreter workforce is critical to ensure effective and real-time communication access for all d/Deaf, DeafBlind and hard of hearing American Sign Language (ASL) users. However, until recently, the required qualifications for this vital workforce were undefined or variable depending on the setting. In 2022, the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf was charged with developing minimum qualification standards to work as a sign language interpreter in Louisiana and providing oversight of the state’s workforce.

Overall, Louisiana Commission for the Deaf aims to increase the quality and quantity of sign language interpreters working in Louisiana.

Changing Credentialing for Louisiana Sign Language Interpreters

Act 128 of the 2022 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature marked an important change for sign language interpreter professionals and residents in our state who are d/Deaf, DeafBlind and hard-of-hearing and utilize sign language services. With the passage of this Act, the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf became responsible for establishing the criteria for the professional credentialing of sign language interpreters in Louisiana. The Commission also maintains a registry of credentialed sign language interpreters (see Louisiana Revised Statute [R.S. 46:2353]).

Historically, the Louisiana Department of Education credentialed educational interpreters practicing in prekindergarten-12 educational settings. The Louisiana Supreme Court regulated interpreters providing services on behalf of the state’s courts. Act 128 established a unified process and system for credentialing all sign language interpreters working in Louisiana, regardless of setting, and shifted the responsibility to the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf.

The requirements and processes for sign language interpreters to register with the state will be promulgated in rule under the Louisiana Administrative Code Title 46-Professional and Occupational Standards in 2025.

In preparation for the implementation of Act 128 it would introduce for the state’s sign language interpreter workforce, the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf conducted a comprehensive Statewide Interpreter Needs Assessment in 2022.

Statewide Interpreter Assessment

As part of the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf’s 2021-2024 strategic plan, one priority states, “The Louisiana Commission for the Deaf will establish new systems and standards for American Sign Language (ASL) interpreting which define, describe and incentivize new expectations for and oversight of the quality of ASL interpreters, including those in educational settings.” In an effort to better understand the state of sign language interpreters and the services provided in Louisiana, the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf implemented in 2022 a six-month assessment process for engaging interpreters statewide in focus groups, meetings and other opportunities to provide feedback. The assessment was facilitated by Innivee Strategies, Inc.

A summarized version of the report has been provided in written English, and in ASL with closed captioning.

Click here to read the full Interpreter Needs Assessment report.


Establishing Minimum Qualification Standards for Interpreters Working in Louisiana

Sign language interpreting is a job that affects public health, safety and welfare. In Louisiana and many other states, this job is regulated by law to make sure the public receives qualified sign language interpreting services.

Per Act 128 of the 2022 Regular Legislative Session, amendments were made to the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf authorizing statute, RS 46:2351-2355 to modernize the programs and services provided by the Commission. This included changes to how the Commission is involved with sign language interpreters working in Louisiana. The law required the Commission to establish and provide oversight of an interpreter registry, and to define the minimum qualification standards interpreters must have to be registered and able to provide interpreting services in Louisiana.

Click here to watch the ASL video discussing the Establishment of Minimum Qualifications Standards for Interpreter working in Louisiana.

Frequently Asked Questions


Sign language interpreting is a job that affects public health, safety and welfare. In Louisiana and many other states, this job is regulated by law to make sure the public receives qualified sign language interpreting services.

Per Act 128 of the 2022 Regular Legislative Session, amendments were made to the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf authorizing statute, RS 46:2351-2355 to modernize the programs and services provided by the Commission. This included changes to how the Commission is involved with sign language interpreters working in Louisiana. The law required the Commission to establish and provide oversight of an interpreter registry, and to define the minimum qualification standards interpreters must have to be registered and able to provide interpreting services in Louisiana.

All sign language interpreters currently working or intending to work in Louisiana will have to meet the new minimum qualification standards and comply with the new registration requirements. This applies to all sign language interpreters, regardless of setting, and includes interpreters in prekindergarten-12 educational settings and court systems. These standards were previously managed by the Louisiana Department of Education and the Louisiana Supreme Court, respectively.

The Louisiana Interpreter Registry is a publicly-accessible online platform of Registered Interpreters developed and administered by the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf. All sign language interpreters working in Louisiana must meet the minimal qualification standards, as defined by the Commission, to be registered with the State and listed on the registry.  Documentation must be submitted to verify qualifications of all sign language interpreters are met, regardless of the setting.

There are two registration types available for sign language interpreters:

  • Registered: For sign language interpreters who meet one or more of the minimum qualification standards defined by the Commission. This will include proof of valid certification(s).
  • Provisional: For sign language interpreters who hold some qualifications yet have not met all of the minimum requirements established by the Commission, and are actively working towards full certification(s)
    • The commission also offers a Temporary Practice Permit under the provisional registration for individuals who are practicing under the supervision of a Registered Interpreter.


There are specific qualification requirements based on type of registration.

While the minimum qualifications will be the same for all sign language interpreters, there are specific and/or additional requirements for interpreters working in specialized settings including public schools and court or legal settings.

Note: Detailed criteria, including accepted certifications and specific requirements for each setting and registration type, will be outlined in the official registration standards and added to the Commission’s website upon publication.

All sign language interpreters must register with the Commission via the Louisiana Interpreter Registry and submit documentation to verify minimum qualification standards have been met no later than July 1, 2026

Sign language interpreters can apply to be listed on the Louisiana Interpreter Registry by visiting

A fee will be required to register and must be paid prior to approval. Registration and renewal fees are $50.00. Late renewal fees are $75.00. All fees are non-refundable.

Registration through the Louisiana Interpreter Registry is mandatory to work as a sign language interpreter in Louisiana. If a sign language interpreter is found working without being listed on the registry, they will be subject to an investigation and potential disciplinary and/or legal action(s) by the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf.

The Louisiana Commission for the Deaf recognizes that some interpreters may not currently meet the new minimum qualification standards. To support the transition, the Commission will:

  • Continue to offer the Statewide Mentorship Program to help sign language interpreters grow in their field of practice. This program may include one-on-coaching, internships for college students, job-shadowing observation assignments and more.
  • Offer or support access to professional development opportunities, including workshops, training and webinars—some at no cost to the participant.
  • Maintain formal partnerships with organizations such as the Louisiana Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (LRID), Louisiana Association of the Deaf (LAD) and New Orleans Black Deaf Advocates (NOBDA) in providing additional training and engagement opportunities.
  • Strengthen collaborations with state agencies like the Louisiana Department of Education, Local Education Agencies, the Louisiana Department of Health and the Louisiana Supreme Court to ensure interpreters have the resources they need to be successful.
  • Support the on-going development and implementation of Interpreter Training Programs (ITPs).
  • Advocate for increased awareness and support for improving the quality and quantity of interpreters working in Louisiana.
  • Visit the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf news webpage: Stay informed about the latest updates, events and announcement by visiting the news section at
  • Contact Louisiana Commission for the Deaf staff directly: For inquiries, support and more information about Louisiana Commission for the Deaf programs and services, email
  • Attend the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf’s Quarterly Public Meetings: Engage and stay informed with Commission’s decision making process and stay updated on policy discussions by attending quarterly public meetings. Meeting details and schedules are available at
  • Follow the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf on Facebook: Receive real-time updates, community announcements and events information by following us on Facebook at
  • Connect with key organizations:

For additional questions, please reach out to the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf for further guidance.

Interpreters Working

In General Community Settings

The Louisiana Commission for the Deaf Board of Commissioners, staff, current Louisiana interpreters and other community members/organizations are working together to identify standards for interpreters working in general community settings. Stay tuned for more information posted on our news page.

In Pre-K-12 Educational Settings

The Louisiana Commission for the Deaf has worked closely with the Louisiana Department of Education, current Louisiana interpreters and other community members/organizations to identify standards for interpreters working in prekindergarten-12 educational settings. Special Education Directors and Supervisors of Local Education Agencies received a letter via email directly from the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf regarding the updates. Stay tuned for more information posted on our news page.

In Court/Legal Settings

The Louisiana Commission for the Deaf is working with the Louisiana Supreme Court, Office of Language Access, to identify the appropriate standards for interpreters working in court and legal settings. Stay tuned for more information posted on our news page.

What's Next?

The Louisiana Commission for the Deaf continues to develop minimum qualification standards for sign language interpreters working in various settings, and implement strategies to support the sign language interpreter workforce during all stages of their professional development. Visit the interpreter mentoring page for more support information. 

Be sure to visit our Facebook Page, news page and our public quarterly meetings webpage for on-going information. Please contact with any questions, or to request to become involved in the development of future standards.